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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Question on skate fit

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I currently wear Bauer Supreme 6000's in a size 8.5D. I have a shoe size of 10. These skates fit like a glove and I really like them. Except for the fact that the blades are bent!!! I'm looking to upgrade though and am considering either Kor Shift 1's or Mission's. I was hoping that you guys could help me out with some kind of idea on what would fit my foot best and what is similar to the Bauer's that I'm wearing as far as fit goes.


I'm about 2 1/2 hours from your store and was wondering if you had the Kor's in my size or if the Mission S500's or L7's would be a better option if you had those.

Any opinions are definitely appreciated.

What kind of adjustment will I have going from Bauer's to a different skate. I've been on the Bauer's for about a year and before that I was in CCM 852's for a year. There was a bit of an adjustment there, but nothing too drastic.


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I'd try the Missions. Great skates with a pitch adjustment to boot. Kors are just out and I've heard good and bad things about their fit so their definitely not for everyone. Besides you never buy a product the first few years on the market, need to give the manufacturer time to iron out the unforseen problems and bugs.

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I'd try the Missions. Great skates with a pitch adjustment to boot. Kors are just out and I've heard good and bad things about their fit so their definitely not for everyone. Besides you never buy a product the first few years on the market, need to give the manufacturer time to iron out the unforseen problems and bugs.

Normally I agree with waiting but the Kor is just fine as it is. 95% of problems can be worked out through baking them.

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