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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Warped Steel or Misaligned holder

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I'm pretty sure I have one or the other, I just got brand new skates, 8090's, and they just don't feel right. at first I thought they were sharpened to a deeper hollow but at a closer inspection they kind of looked warped.

My problem is I don't know how to tell if they have bent steel or if the holder was mounted misaligned, any help would be greatly appreciated

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sight down the heel of the skate and see if the holder is mounted in line with the boot. Then do the same with the toe. that should let you know if the holder is not mounted straight.

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the holders seem to be mounted straight but do you really think both blades could be bent?

I was going to change out the steel with my older skates but the 8090's have regular nuts instead of allen head nuts, I thought they stop using those with the inception of the Lightspeed holders

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my buddy had the same problem with his 8000's all he had to do to discover that the holder was not mounted correctly was take the steel out and set it on a flat surface. the steel was fine and as soon as he put it back in the holder the same thing happened so he sent them back. thats why its good to buy them from a LHS that actually knows what they are doing.

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well, I took them to my LHS and they straigthened the steel, it seems to have fixed it, hopefully it stays....

Skate on them once. Then check with a straight edge. I'll bet the bend returns. Bauer steel is pretty consistent and I can't recall the last time I saw a "bent" defective one. 99.9% of Bauer bent steel is a result of a torqued (mismounted)holder.

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what exactely do you mean by a "torqued" holder?

How much of a bent blade is enough to constute a re-mounting?

Placing a straightedge along the blade shows about a 32nd gap

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what exactely do you mean by a "torqued" holder?

How much of a bent blade is enough to constute a re-mounting?

Placing a straightedge along the blade shows about a 32nd gap

torqued means the front was mounted off center from the back. In other words, the holder was twisted/bent. If the holder is bent, the steel will take the bend. Only way to fix is to remove rivits and straighten. I drill new holes between rivits, because the old holes would be too close to the old.

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when I was at my LHS today they said that the holder looked straight but they have have not installed the rivets in an alternating pattern.

They said that it could be fixed but removing the rivets then reinstall the holder using the same holes, but a proper tightening sequence for the rivets

Makes sense to me, when I recieved mechanics training we were told to install lugs in a criss-cross pattern in order to get the tire on straight

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If the holder is straight, the steel will be straight. When installing the holder if the wrong pattern is used the holder will torque. Easily seen using a straight edge.

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