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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Downloading Videos HELP!

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Sorry mods if this must be locked but im having problems dowloading videos and playing them on my computer.

IM using limewire pro to download movies and everytime a try and play them (windows Media player) its says that i need some kind of codec.

what is a codec and how do i find the correct codec for each movie?

thank you,


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Funny you bring that up, I have been having that same problem with the same programs. I tried to download a few movies in the .AVI format and they wouldnt work, I did how ever download one in the .MPG format which did work in WMP.

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Do you have Divx player? It will play just about anything.


Mike- Was it just the audio that woundn't work, or the whole thing? What player are you using?

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Do you have Divx player? It will play just about anything.


Mike- Was it just the audio that woundn't work, or the whole thing? What player are you using?

Audio nor Video would work. I was using Windows Media Player, downloading from Limewire PRO

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