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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Ice rink collapses....5 dead

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I don´t get how they can cancel a practice in precaution and yet let a group of kids continue the public session at the same time. That´s horrible.

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Yeah thats what happened. Some lurk in the rink said he heard the ceiling cracking, so they canceled the practice and then they reopened for a open session... (They re-opened because there was so much snow, the tourists and kids werent able to ski and snowboard and so they all wanted to iceskate and the owners were thinking on the huge profit and reopened it and the rest is known...)

Kinda unimaginable..

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:( Whoever allowed a public session, but not practice has some explaining to do. Man I feel bad for all of those people, there are still people missing in the rink...That picture is pretty wild. my mom showed me the article earlier today.

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