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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Cutting Graf Laser

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Is the Graf Laser tapered? Where do I cut it and does it fit standard or tapered blades? I have never heard of anyone cutting one before thats why I am asking. Thanks.

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I haven't tried, but a friend told me there was foam on the inside which makes it difficult if it is even possible.

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lasers have a form like stuff in them, so if you break them you cant really put a new blade in them. i have a friend who took his laser to a LHS and they heated up the form and took some out 2 put a blade in.

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Is the Laser a Busch stick? As far as I know, Busches are all still true one-piece sticks, it's not a shaft/blade setup. You couldn't put a blade in the old Itech Busch sticks...

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lasers have a form like stuff in them, so if you break them you cant really put a new blade in them. i have a friend who took his laser to a LHS and they heated up the form and took some out 2 put a blade in.

alrighty well i now have this stick...just got it today from eagles39....and have the same problem...i need like 1 to 1.5 more inches...it's just under the length i normally use...and it definitely is gonna take a junior end plug for that wheelbarrow handle...

anyways, my question is...does anyone know if i can just heat the shaft up & pull the foam out with like a pair of pliers...or do i have to scrape it out with a knife or something? ANY ideas at all would be well appreciated...Thanks...

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Can't answer that question, but I do know that after you get the shit out of the end, it takes junior blades. Just a heads up.

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Well I went ahead and took a crack at it...so this is for future reference of anyone dealing with a graf laser OPS. I heated the handle up with a heat gun...the foam in the handle shrivels up a bit, and gets kinda soft (sort of a styrofoam or marshmallow effect, but not near as extreme). I then took scissors & scraped & pinched (didn't have pliers) as much as I could...I got about 2 inches of it out, except for some that just sticks to the side wall, however, the graphite of the handle got EXTREMELY soft after it was heated...i've never seen any shaft get that soft, whether putting in a blade or end plug...it would literally flex & bend as easy as leather, but would go back to it's original shape. (sorry, i just thought that was wierd and interesting). Anyways, I'm not exactly sure how long the tenon part of a jr plug is, but whatever extra there is can either be cut; or, the foam is plyable enough when hot, that it will probably just compact tighter as i push it in. I just hope I didn't ruin the graphite (i.e. the handle splitting on my 2nd slapshot or something...)

P.S. anyone ever had either end of a shaft get that soft when heated? I wasn't even using an open flame...just hot air...

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i did it to one of my lasers, i just cut where i thought the blade might fit, then drilled out the foam shiz with a hand drill, and chiseled the rest out so the hole was deep enough. i also found i had to sand down the blade a little to make it fit. i also have broken an laser at the top, and done a similar procedure except with a long end plug. it made the stick work again, but made it really akwardly weighted.

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