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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Russian Players Skates

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...does anyone have a picture of the skates the kid for Russia is wearing. I missed his name.

But they are all white...Not like Graf Great Whites, but ENTIRELY White. Laces, tongue, holder...everything.

Any pics? I'd search it myself, but I can't even remember/pronounce the kids name.

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Nikolai Lemtyugov. He either painted them, dyed them, or had a whole new pair of the white version. I was at all the games in Kelowna, one day he had all black grafs, the next day all white.



One thing i've noticed is that he looks almost exactly like Fedorov with his visor on..

And they just showed his skates on TSN

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i just got done watching the USA vs russia game (had to turn off the tv in disgust) and the tv guy said he has grafs. the guy said that since grafs are not allowed he would have to cover the logo with tape but he decided to just paint the entire skate instead.

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Yeah...since I first posted this, they've paid much attention to him..his nickname ("Lemieux") and his skates.

They said he was asked to white out the Brand Name and got carried away. I guess he has blacks and whites.

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i just got done watching the USA vs russia game (had to turn off the tv in disgust) and the tv guy said he has grafs. the guy said that since grafs are not allowed he would have to cover the logo with tape but he decided to just paint the entire skate instead.

It's gotten REALLY ugly in the last 5 minutes.

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seems like there were alot of great white style skates in the rink tonight. schremp, and the russians. i love that look. imo it just screams dangler!!!

exhibit a, schremp a dangler


exhibit b, a grinder


check out the difference in steeze!!

only exception is to swedish players, who generally use grinder style gear, but dangle like fish.

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Too bad Schremp was absolutely useless this tournament. I maintain he's overhyped. He's a flashy, sniper, but put him up against a real defence and he doesn't have what it takes to battle through it.

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Are you on crack? The only reason Schremp isn't putting up numbers is because there is no one out there for him to work with. The only time the US had offensive pressure was when an indivual carried the puck and took a shot. That isn't going to put the puck in the net. Schremp still played well dispite all the help his teammates gave him.

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I think most of the USA team is overhyped. I may be a little biased cause i'm Canadian, but after watching them play norway i wasn't too impressed with guys like Kessel and J. Johnson.

Kessel has one move, he cuts to his off wing then drives to the net, shoots or passes.

I will admit that Bourque looked good, even though almost all his goals were of Kessels plays.

Eric Johnson to me was impressive. For his age he has good size and vision on the ice, and it was good to see him rush the puck.

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