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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Now What ?

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I just got new LS2 steel for my 8090's , one of the skates has not held the blade in properly , therefore the blade is moving ? I have tried to tighten the bolt and it seems that the bolt on the blade side is twisting ?

What can I do to fix this or do I need a new holder also now ?

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If your 8090s have been used for 6-9 months with alot of skating, the holder is probably stressed/fatigued. The new steel will never sit right. Just get a new holder to make the situation work. You would never have to do this with CCM holders. I just wanted to mention that before Jimmy does. :lol:

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If your 8090s have been used for 6-9 months with alot of skating, the holder is probably stressed/fatigued. The new steel will never sit right. Just get a new holder to make the situation work. You would never have to do this with CCM holders. I just wanted to mention that before Jimmy does. :lol:

What holders should I get Nick ?

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If the screw inside the holder is twisting, then you have to remove the holder and get it fixed. When i changed the steel on my XV's i overtightened it and had to get the rivets taken out so i could remove the nut and bolt, and the i had jimmy it so it would tighten but not turn in the holder.

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