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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Stealth or XXX lite?

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i just snapped by xxx lite tonight at practice..im pretty blown...but i mean its either im bout to get that again or maybe a stealth or something light and has a nice snipe and dangle to it...i already got 2 hex 1's but they're beat so...

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Inno/Warrior sticks, Vapor XXXs, and Stealths all have great feel to me...all don't have great durability(well, not sure about Inno, but some several Starskies have come back to the shop broken)

Maybe give the SL a shot.

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personally id go with a stealth.

nice and lite, and great feel too it ;-)

defenitally a danglers stick.

as for durabillity i found the stealth to be durable (for me atleast) i dont know if i just got lucky but i had it for awhile and even played with it when the blade had a pretty deep crack right in the middle of it for over a month

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get another xxx lite..i love mine best taper system ever made i think..its a better shooting stick and the feel is just as good as an sL/stealth. on top on that its about 40 bucks cheaper

edit: inno/warrior sticks would feel dead coming from a stealth

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Although I have never tried them before, I thought everyones' opinion was that the stealth had a very "hot" face. Im not sure how that would be good for your puck handling. Snipes and dangles is shooting and puck feel, they almost seem to be anonyms to me.

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i just snapped by xxx lite tonight at practice..im pretty blown...but i mean its either im bout to get that again or maybe a stealth or something light and has a nice snipe and dangle to it...i already got 2 hex 1's but they're beat so...

thats plain hilarious. i agree, I love sticks that just have a nice snipe and dangle to it. like i mean i just all of a sudden pick up the stick and im ovechkin. its awesome.

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Well if you're only considering the two sticks then I can't comment as I have not owned either one but I've had my Synergy SL for about half a year and it has lasted me till now (playing 3 times a week). I've had no problems with 'snipes' or 'dangles' :D . The toe is chipped like mad because I play in the boards a lot but the rest of the stick is in great shape.

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I'm gonna throw in the 2 piece argument. I used to buy the latest and greatest OPS for their amazing ability to let me snipe and dangle, but now i've found wood is good. ;)

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If your seriously thinking about getting either the stealth or xxxlite they are both high performance sticks (that the durabilty has been sacrificed for performance) so I don't think you can complain about your stick breaking in x amount of days! Don't be surprised!

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ya.....i feel like the stealth would be too light tho......i need some substance...my vapor xxx has been lasting long except all my stick um is chippinn off

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