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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Preffered Sticks of Defenseman

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I play d on inline and forward on ice I use the same stick on each(stealth inginla). I personal think forwards need tougher sticks b/c they get slashed way more than d-men.

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Our defense go with, my main sticks: 3 Foppa/Modo stealths. Other D, Sakic Si-Core, Response Brendle, Easton Typhoon OPS :P Sakic, Some blue SherWood OPS thing Crosby, Vector V110

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its all PP but ive used plenty of sticks. (im D 6'3 180 pounds)

stealth, Ultra lite, numerous synergy's, sl, ST, reebok 6k, ummmm synthesis, and a zbubble grip.

thats all i can think of


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I'll use a Standard Novius/Wood combo (Jokinen) or Hex-1 (Elias) when playing D. Lately it's been more of the latter than the former, but both have been good for me.

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On my team more use a two piece rather than ops, and with forewards its more ops. I switch between the two and have 2 z-bubble shafts with si-core z-carbon blades

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i use a bauer vapor xv with an xv gagne blade. the shaft has lasted me nearly 2 seasons nd 6 blades.

Just add a little to the durbaility side - im 6ft 1in and 210 lbs so they take a battering especially the scrappy in ur face try and break ur stick way i play. B)

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i play D, i stick with the original synergys, i got a bunch of 04 models still, after those i'll stock up with the ST . i dont really like the lighter ops's out now , i dont have good control with them. and they break too easy

i totally agree


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both easton ops's and shafts are used commonly in my league for defencemen. STS, zbubbles, SLS, scicores, and stealths are pretty popular. Others are the bauer endure and some vapors xx's. for blades woodies like sherwood and christian are good for low budget but zcarbons and taper blades are pretty common too

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just a thought. Easton Lidstrom isn't really a defenseman's curve aside from the square toe. Well for me I like to to keep my shots from the point low so there's a chance for redirection and it's a very tough thing to do with that curve.

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After years of defense school I was always told that you wanted a heavier stick.......For when you poke check or in the corners. A little longer shaft...I never liked that. A small curve For 2 reasons.. 1) forwards can't tip when the puck is 6 ft in the air and 2) a small curve is easier to backhand.....when you get caught at the blueline on your back-hand. I have found that now I use a lighter stick I don't have much advantage over forwards when it comes to battles in the corner. I use a Z bubble with Z carbon Blade....I beat the piss out of it and have'nt broken one yet.

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