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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Question about "major junior" hockey ice

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I'm currently watching a game on INHD between Rimouski and Gatineau. It is clearly not live because Sidney Crosby is playing.

There is an extra set of lines I am not familiar with on the ice. There is one in each offensive zone. They run parellel to all the normal lines. They look like red lines similar in thickness to the goal line, except they run across the top of the circles.

What are these lines for?

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I think what you mean "Ringette" lines, or atleast here in NS thats what we call them... They are used in Ringette some how..

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Out west in BC we also call them ringette lines. I think its something alnog the lines of...you can only have 3 offensive players from that line to the end boards.

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