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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Any problems with using intermediate shaft?

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Hi guys, 5'9 170. I have a pretty weak shot and figure i can use all the help i can get for speed. I am thinking of buying either a bauer TFG, or a X shaft, and the lowest flex in senior is 87 [85]. If i got an intermediate stick i could get either in a 77. Is there any problem with an 'adult' using an intermediate stick??? or should i just stick with the 87? thanks for any advice.

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There isn't really a "problem" with any flex stick. It's all a preference thing. Hell, Brett Hull uses a junior flex stick. I'm pretty much your size and I've found that anything lower than an 80 flex is too flexy. The shaft flexes a little even when stickhandling. If it doesn't bother you then go for it. I suggest you work more on your technique though. It sounds to me like your not putting any weight behind your shot.

EDIT: Here's a link to some tips on shooting. It's not much but it'll give you an idea of how to think.


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I'm 5'8", 145 lbs. and one thing about intermediate shafts I've grown out of (figuratively) is the smaller grip. I felt I had better control and more power on my shots with the larget senior grip shafts. It's part psychological I'm sure.

As for the flex, I agree with Kobe. It might be helpful though to know what you're using right now for sticks to possibly point you in the right direction. Personally, I've used just about everything from a TPS intermediate (roughly 65 to 70 flex) up to TPS regular (95). Now I prefer about an 85 in a tapered shaft, but I've also improved my stickhandling and my shot since I started experimenting with different equipment.

If you can borrow a friend's stick that's similar to what you want to buy, it'll make your decision easier. Otherwise, you're best to just dive in and go with whatever you like best.

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Ok..thanks for the ideas..as for what i am using now..its all pretty much older stuff. I have a stiff titan ASD10000 shaft, a Bauer Lithium shaft, and a Ballistik 70 flex that i just got. I like the 70 flex becasue it feels so much easier to shoot with..however, i am curiouse about the advantages of a shaft with some kick in it, thats why i am looking into the bauer x or maybe tps, or Bauer TFG. Also, is there any big advantage to buying a OPS over one of the shafts i listed?? I would just hate to buy a 100 ops and then have it break. again, thanks for the advice fellas, much apreciated.

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what the, is that the SFU server?

how can you use that?

try the shaft out, it will help your wrist shots, but for me, im 510 185, the shaft is jsut tooo small in radius, cant get use to it.

but if your a finess player, it would help, esp for those forwards that lean down when skating

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One of the guys on my team is 6' - 180 and he was using a Mission 75 flex. There is no reason you can't try it, you might even find that you like it.

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With the way Hull shoots in those video's i wonder how he doesnt break his 62 flex sticks. I kinda shoot like that with a 75 vector and im scared to unload on it. Hull's shot just baffles me.....

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what the, is that the SFU server?

how can you use that?

I used to go to school there. I graduated already but I guess they haven't terminated the account yet. If you're asking how to use it because you go there then just PM me and i'll show you.

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Also, is there any big advantage to buying a OPS over one of the shafts i listed??  I would just hate to buy a 100 ops and then have it break.

Typically OPS are slightly better balanced than their shaft counterparts, otherwise performance is very similar. However if you go through blades quickly or like wood blades, stick with shafts. Less $ down the road, especially if you like trying different curves/patterns.

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