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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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average price on vapor 10

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im wondering what an average price for these skates would be.

there is a practically brand new pair of 10's at work for 100.00 and i think thats to low. as ive heard nothing but good things about these.

there size 10 and like i said worn maybe twice.

thanks guys,

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Thats a good price for them,they were discontinued 3 years ago and can be found Barnd new for $199 USD. But the LHS I dont buy from sells them at $375 USD.I have practically brand new Custom 9.5 D if you want them.They are way stiffer than the retail model also.

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Who's got them in 8EE? I've been looking for them all over the internet. Where can I find them? And I'm not referring to the Vapor X, I'm referring to the Vapor 10.

As posted earlier they've been discontinued for three years even though there's a good number of NHL players currently still wearing them. You'll find various sites with left over stock, inventory buyouts etc. Several people on this board have some. I got mine off ebay from goalie heaven (pro returns) about a year and a half ago. Just keep looking... they'll turn up eventually.

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whbd18, Where have you seen them? I checked all of the other stores indicated and can't find any. You're help would be greatly appreciated.


There any any in your size.The only ones I have seen on the internet are in B or C Width. Chillaxin,Im pretty sure Hockey1 doesnt have them,they really dont have much Pro Return stuff either.Do you live around there?

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