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Shock Doctor Ultra-Arch Adjust Insoles

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These just came out.... I have the "old" Shockdoctors with a size 10 foot, D width, a high arch and haven't had a problem. Actually, I love them.... Beat the crap out of the insoles that came in my Vector Pro's. That and they're $25 cheaper than the new ones if this helps....

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they probably work just like the other shockdoc hockey footbeds which you cut to fit the skate. They seem like a good idea, but pretty expensive over the current hockey insoles that are like 15 bucks.

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would these work well in graf's?

I use them in my grafs and love them.


howd they feel?

i mean im not sure i want to put up 40$ for some insoles......

and also can theese be found in retail stores? or just online

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would these work well in graf's?

I use them in my grafs and love them.


howd they feel?

i mean im not sure i want to put up 40$ for some insoles......

and also can theese be found in retail stores? or just online

Great support with just the right amount of cushioing and you still get the feel of the skate.


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I'm not so sure they are by skate size. They aren't made just for hockey I don't think. I searched for them on Google and found them mainly on hiking/outdoors websites. ePuck is the only hockey site with them as far as I know. So they may be shoe size. I would call before ordering to be sure.

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oh, perfect for my feet with different arch level on right and left.

however, the shockdoctor is probably still too thick to put in my skate.

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I'm not so sure they are by skate size. They aren't made just for hockey I don't think. I searched for them on Google and found them mainly on hiking/outdoors websites. ePuck is the only hockey site with them as far as I know. So they may be shoe size. I would call before ordering to be sure.

they are by skate size as I have them AND I called Shockdoctor to make sure.....

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BUT... I'm talking about the Shockdoctor HOCKEY insoles not these.... So my mistake for not being more specific. I have no idea about these. Again, apologies... mine are the Shockdoctor "hockey" insoles.

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I'm not so sure they are by skate size. They aren't made just for hockey I don't think. I searched for them on Google and found them mainly on hiking/outdoors websites. ePuck is the only hockey site with them as far as I know. So they may be shoe size. I would call before ordering to be sure.

Thanks Ambro for pointing that out.......

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FWIW, I've used both Shock Doctor hockey and SuperFeet Hockey, and much prefer the latter for my feet. They seem to have a better construction/support method on the bottom vs the Shock Doctors. I can't recall the price differences.

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i prefer the shockdoctors way more, they seem to conform to feet a lot better.

And for those who think they are too thick, they do squish down after a little bit of use.

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BUT... I'm talking about the Shockdoctor HOCKEY insoles not these.... So my mistake for not being more specific. I have no idea about these. Again, apologies... mine are the Shockdoctor "hockey" insoles.

Yea I know the hockey ones are by skate size, I was talking about these. After I posted I was thinking about which ones you were talking about and couldn't tell. Yea, someone should find out about these ones so no one orders the wrong size.

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