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In-team NHL Fights

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Wasn't there a situation with Keith Primeau, Steve Chiasson, and Stu Grimson?

I remember someone telling me that when Primeau was in Detroit he was mad because he wasn't awarded a point in a game the night before..

So as a joke Chiasson and Grimson "announced" his point during the practice the next day...and Primeau didn't take very well..

Could be a rumor...

R.I.P. Steve Chaisson.

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Wasn't there a situation with Keith Primeau, Steve Chiasson, and Stu Grimson?

I remember someone telling me that when Primeau was in Detroit he was mad because he wasn't awarded a point in a game the night before..

So as a joke Chiasson and Grimson "announced" his point during the practice the next day...and Primeau didn't take very well..

Could be a rumor...

R.I.P. Steve Chaisson.

Yeah, another tragedy as a result of a car accident. He was another awesome point man in the NHLs for Genesis.

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Guerin got "chippy" with a rookie in camp last season I think, or was it earlier. I guess you can't count camp though because half the guys there are trying to make the team so they'll throw down with anyone.

Guerin got pissed cause some kid was actually trying at training camp and trying to make the team (what a novel concept) and the kid made him look bad. I wouldn't exactly call it chippy, he swung his stick at the kid's head like a bitch and then jumped him.

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I know Parker and Dingman went toe to toe at an Avs practice. Dingman ended up in the hospital. Then there was Mcallister (sp?) and Primeau at a Flyers practice- I have video of that fight if anybody wants to see it.

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just to clear things up on the lindros ordeal, it wasn't a fight. I've heard Tochhet threw one punch and that was it.

shortly after lindros said he got a concussion when he got hit by Hal Gill, but during that game there wasn't really any point where Gill really hit Lindros where you thought Lindros would suffer a concussion.

Heard the same I think, he suckered Lindros - or so the story went.

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I don't think he'd be able to take Lindros if it was a full fledged fight. When I first heard it I assumed The Big E just let'em kick his ass (I've seen it happen in similar situations), but the one punch does make sense.

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Has anyone had 2 players from there own team fight? So far this year we have had 2 incident with the same player. Before it got serious some players split them up. Then we had to stand at center ice while the coach screamed at us.

If its happning in the NHL and has happened on my team, i am sure its happened to some of you guys as well.

yeah, we usually have about 1 or 2 every 2 weeks or so. usually the older kids get big chested when the coaches talk about "Senior leadership" and intensity due to a recent loss.

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When you get a group of people together such as a hockey team, there is always going to be rivalries between players, it's human nature. There is always at least one player on your team that you don't particularly like, but you just have to suck it up and move past it, and when that doesn't happen, situations, such as all of the situations earlier stated occur.

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