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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Oh so about the Panthers?

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i kno u guys like that game... held the giants under 100 yards un til the fourth quarter deshaun foster going for over a 100 an smith wit h two TDs one rushing they will win the super bowl guarentee

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After watching it I can see them beating the Bears next week. I'll say it's a toss up for next week's game, but the winner of the Bears/Panthers will go on to the Super Bowl.

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I think Kitna will pull through. This round anyways, I don't think they can make it past the second round without Palmer.

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It's Eli being a horrible, horrible, horrible QB.

Yea no kidding. Hopefully Marcus Vick doesn't get hyped up like Eli was just because of his brother. I know he will, but he's not even good. Eli was at least decent, but little Vick is just flat out bad.

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