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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Montreal OPS Flexes

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What do the 200 Medium and 240 Stiff compare to in say Easton.

Also was/is the STUEY a Montreal Retail Pattern?

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It is very hard to say as the nitro is so long stock. From how they feel to me off the rack, medium is like an 80 and the stiffer one is like 95, but don't take my word as gospel as I'm a pretty strong bastard.

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It felt as though the 200 is like a 75 and the 240 is 90.I wish I could of got all 200 but they only had 3,so I got one 240 instead. I like the Blue/Black Nitro alot ,im going to buy a couple more next week if they havent sold out of the Stuey Curve

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Check the flex chart, but I had a stiff and currently have a medium (that I am going to sell on eBay once I get around to it). I tried the medium out in a practice only and it felt to be about a 90. I still have the medium, in fact, and will have to disagree that it feels like a 75.

Someone bought the stiff 240 from me, but that felt to be a bit over 100 (say, 105 - possibly 110).

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I didnt even notice Montral was in the flex chart. But my 240 is definately around a 90 Flex and the 200 is around 75-80,Im wondering now if my sticks were mismarked. My regular flex RBK is stiffer than the 240.

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Just checked mine. It's an 8500, medium (200). Feels like a 90-95 flex to me.

Maybe your sticks were mismarked? Mine's a prostock, so perhaps it'd be stiffer, but then, wouldn't they just mark it stiffer? It was Numinens (who's part owner), but it seems on par with what's on the flex chart.

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Also is any shop owner on here going to be carrying the Nano Nitro Lite OPs?

It's one hell of an expensive stick, I'm not sure many dealers will be carrying it considering the number of other sticks are on the market.

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Also is any shop owner on here going to be carrying the Nano Nitro Lite OPs?

It's one hell of an expensive stick, I'm not sure many dealers will be carrying it considering the number of other sticks are on the market.

Are you talkng like $225 US or higher?

EDIT: Chadd,will you be carrying any of the new Nitro OPS?

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I don't expect to carry them but I may special order sticks whenever they come out. Normal markup would put the stick around $249.

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I don't expect to carry them but I may special order sticks whenever they come out. Normal markup would put the stick around $249.

Why so much? Is the stick really that special,it seems to have the same technology as the SL,and that only $170.

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I don't expect to carry them but I may special order sticks whenever they come out. Normal markup would put the stick around $249.

Why so much? Is the stick really that special,it seems to have the same technology as the SL,and that only $170.

Similar technology but the SL used it in the blade where teh Montreal uses it in the shaft and blade. The goalie stick is really light but just disgustingly priced.

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