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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Problem choice: Gloves

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Ok, my CCM 452 gloves are destroyed thanks to a certain person's dogs ripping it to shreds and doing other stuff to it. So time for a new pair of gloves.

I'm thinking of buying Vapor XX's or Mission 10000. Which glove do you think would be better to have, in terms of protection, feel and durability?

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id wait if i were you, theres a few nice gloves coming out like a mid end mission, a source smu genesis eagle and MIA have nylon gloves coming out that feel great.

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The XXX's are way more comfortable then the XX's and are only 10 bucks more at my LHS. I am very impresed with this glove Gave up my eastons that I wore for years and I think they feel better then the eagles I tried on.

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The Vapor XX seem to fit a little tigher in the finger and loose around the wrist, which I like a lot. I also have used M1 gloves, great gloves, but they were loose for me around the fingers. Both are great gloves, but I prefer the Vapors.

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Hurricane, why do you say the XXX's are WAY more comfortable then the XX's? Thanks.

IMO, the xxx feel lighter, more "streamlined" and less restrictive at the cuff. I didn't like the xx's cuff when I tried them on.

There are Vapor 6 (not VI, circa 2003) gloves for sale at hockeygiant. Im not sure how good they are but I have tried on my teamates and I absolutley love the three peice fingers. Plus, they are only $49 US.

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Ok, my CCM 452 gloves are destroyed thanks to a certain person's dogs ripping it to shreds and doing other stuff to it. So time for a new pair of gloves.

I'm thinking of buying Vapor XX's or Mission 10000. Which glove do you think would be better to have, in terms of protection, feel and durability?

Protection, feel and durability would be great since they're both higher end gloves.

The Vapors would fit rather narrow while the Missions would have a more loose fit. Not as loose as the Eagles though, but looser than the Vapors.

I guess its more a matter of what fit you prefer.

You cant go wrong with any of those gloves, they're booth a very good choise i.m.h.o.

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Hurricane, why do you say the XXX's are WAY more comfortable then the XX's? Thanks.

The XX are made of different material not as flexiable. The XXX are a full nylon glove very fleiable and light. The XX seemed to be very tight on me..Were the XXX are loose feeling but very secure. Felt like different palm material too.

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Hurricane, why do you say the XXX's are WAY more comfortable then the XX's?  Thanks.

The XX are made of different material not as flexiable. The XXX are a full nylon glove very fleiable and light. The XX seemed to be very tight on me..Were the XXX are loose feeling but very secure. Felt like different palm material too.

The difference between the XXs and XXXs is the outer material and the palm. The XXX are full nylon which is easier to break in. The XXXs also have a thinner palm. The design is the same, but the palms and outer material give each glove a slightly different feel.

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