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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Spraying sticks so it doesn't come off.

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Yes, I've searched and read all the posts over the last couple months about guys using this and that to spray paint their sticks, but all the topics i found only covered guys spraying the bottom half. I'm doing my stick all black fade to yellow, similar to XX Max stick'um, and was wondering wut would be the best stuff to spray over the paint so it doesn't chip and so the black doesn't come off and ruin the palms of my xx's.

Any personal experiences would be a great help, and i'll try to post pics once its completely done. So far only the bottom (yellow) is done.

EDIT: Spelling

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I use plasti-kote clear acrylic spary! I use it on most of my sticks, it stops the paint chipping off and I used it on a stick that I painted. It has held up pretty good so far, just give it a 2-3 light cotes.

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i once used just regular old spray paint, but it chipped off like crazy.

also if it hits someones skate or gloves or stick, tthey may get silver paint scratches on them.

also if you play roller hockey, it makes scratches of paint.

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yah i just sprayed the old syn, didn't even think to sand it till my dad asked me if i had. I think i'll sand the shaft part that i haven't sprayed yet, then spray it all black and finish the look i'm going for, then cover it in the acrylic spray. Does that acrylic spray give it a "grip" feeling to it?

And has anyone ever had problems with the paint coming off on they're gloves?

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