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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Hyper out of Biz?

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not true.. factory and hyper are still seperate companies but are still being runned by shayne arsenault and benny frank. Hyper and factory are coming out with some pretty solid wheels.. much better than past years.

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I've been using Hyper Formula G era wheels for about 1/2 a season now and totally love them. Hope they keep making these things. :D

Hey shute...he said FORMULA G not ZERO G

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I've been using Hyper Formula G era wheels for about 1/2 a season now and totally love them.  Hope they keep making these things.  :D

Hey shute...he said FORMULA G not ZERO G

Yeah, Formula G. I also am not willing to pay $20 per wheel.

Sorry, I don't have the Ferarri pocketbook. ;)

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I thought Hyper were now owned by the investment banking group that bought up Mission/itech ???

Wow, you are are wrong on two fronts: 1st Mission/Itech is owned by two families: The Naegele's and The Compton's

Hyper is owned by neither....

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hey Justin, thats the story hyper Uk were giving at last weeks sale conferance ??

soory if its wrong info !!!

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