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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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pain or what?

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Hello friends.

I got a new pair of skates and i feel some kind of pain a bit "slightly" but i guess its some kind of pain lol.

Im not sure if thats just a regular pain which is caused by the breaking-in effect, which is okay for me, but it could also be because of a bad fit - that is why im asking.

I feel a slight pain (like stitches or so) in the arches, but my toes dont get numb.... is that a normal sign for a breaking-in issue or is pain in the arch area an evidence for a wrong arch at all ?

Sorry my english is not that good but i hope you can deal with that.


Randy :huh:

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Yes i can start with that of course, but what is when i dont have a snug fit when i do this? Don't know if that can or will happend..... just a thought.

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What skates do you wear, and do you have low, medium or high arches?

Does this happen when you wear them loose off the ice? or just when you lace them up on the ice?

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I put the foot on the table while sitting on a chair.. so there is no weight on the foot but the arch doesnt change that much.im flexible :lol:

Im 6'2", 205 lbs just for information.

My experience with breaking in has been burning, not pinching like stitches

Well i would describe it as some kind of burn too, didnt know to describe it in english.

I took a rest for 5 minutes on the bench and it got normal (no pain) and when i was on the ice (active) it began to burn - maybe the circulating blood??

Thank you!!

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it could possibly be that there's no support under your arches when you stride and put weight on them and they are constantly collapsing. The Bauer footbeds that come with your skates pretty much suck as almost every manufacturer (yes, I know the Easton Synergy 1300 C's come with shock doctors) doesn't really spend much on your footbed. I think its the one area of the skate that they can chince out on and not really have the consumer care or notice. Try out some Superfeet. I had similar problems, and Superfeet make my skates feel much better.

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