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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Tapered blade question

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I know my curve. I am interested in weights. All brands if known. I know Easton is 145g and just found out Harrrow is 195g :( (too bad for $30 they looked nice). Any help is appreciated.

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i remember the 7500 wood blade by bauer feeling lighter than the XV in the shop. its not great for durability though, and goes soft pretty quick

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i havent tried the new all wood synthesis (semi-new), but the old hybrid ones i went through pretty quick too. im not very hard on my sticks either, a composite blade lasts at least a good 2 months for me

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The Evo is listed in the catalogue as 145 grams.

Thanks for the scale "calibration". So I'm reading 45 grams over, what is that in oz's??

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The Evo is listed in the catalogue as 145 grams.

Thanks for the scale "calibration". So I'm reading 45 grams over, what is that in oz's??

That's assuming the 145 grams listed is accurate. Or it even could be weight prior to glue being added.

In any event, I think one ounce is equal to either 28.5 or 29.5 grams, so 45 grams would be slightly more than 1.5 ounces.

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We have clones of: Drury, Lidstrom, Modano and Sakic.

We alsp have a Curve 12 which is a slightly open, mid to toe curve, 5.5 lie with 10 mm depth; and a Curve 46 which is an open, deep mid heel curve, 5.5 lie with 12 mm depth.

I don't know how close those are to the Iggy or Recchi curve.

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We have clones of: Drury, Lidstrom, Modano and Sakic.

We alsp have a Curve 12 which is a slightly open, mid to toe curve, 5.5 lie with 10 mm depth; and a Curve 46 which is an open, deep mid heel curve, 5.5 lie with 12 mm depth.

I don't know how close those are to the Iggy or Recchi curve.

12 sounds a lot like a Recchi

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In any event, I think one ounce is equal to either 28.5 or 29.5 grams, so 45 grams would be slightly more than 1.5 ounces.

1 oz. = 28.35 grams

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from the composite blades i weighed

synthesis 161g

tps r2 135g

L2 165g

inno 165g (standard)

sherwood 1150 180g (tapered, longer hosel like the inno)

easton ultragraphite 198g - 208g (standard)

easton ultralite 180g (standard)

easton hybrid 180g (standard)

mission flyweight 180g (tapered short hosel)

weights can vary by pattern, and blade to blade

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We should have a thread to list weights (in grams) of things that we've weighed. I have:

TPS PTC Tkachuk: 142g

Mission L-2 Elias: 155g

Mission L-2/M-2 shafts: 5.9 grams per inch of shaft.

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these number are very interesting!

I always tought the sher-wood (hybrid blade, 1050,1150) were super heavy, at 180 they are not that bad...

anything about shaft? synthesis?

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TPS R2 blades feel rediculously light.

i have an l-2 with a tps r-2 blade and it is amazingly light and durable

I have a P13 R2 blade in my L2 but it's about #4 or #5 on my list.

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Got some more weights (all blades Modano/Forsberg clones):

TPS PTC: 140g

RBK 5K: 190g

Inno Standard: 160g

RBK 6K: 150g

Inno Taper: 140g

Mission L-2: 155g

Si-Core Synthesis: 175g

3" Wood Butt End: 60g

3" Composite Butt End: 25g

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oh thanks ambro! i never thought the difference in weight of wood and composite plug was THAT big!..damn!

thanks for the number...

How much worth a scale like you have to get those number? could i found some cheap on ebay lol??

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