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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Never get a desperation sharpening

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Before my game last night I was forced to get my skates done at the rink because I didn't have time for anywhere else and 1 of my edges on my left skate was totally gone. I won't go into specifics, but let's just say it was bad. If anyone has ever seen the thing they did on ESPN a few years ago with Belfour's skates, well, the back half of my right skate's edges were pretty much that far off balance when placing a dime on them.

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I did it once, and they missed an edge on each skate. I guess they forgot to set the height properly for my goalie skates. But the second I stepped on the ice I knew something was wrong.

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somehow when my skates were getting done they "slipped" the holder and i heard them get dragged across the stone the wrong way. took a big chunk outta the back half the of the steel. 30 min later my skates had both been ground done so they were about even, but it was still a terrible job in which i lost more then half my steel. Thankfully they gave me a stealth lol.

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somehow when my skates were getting done they "slipped" the holder and i heard them get dragged across the stone the wrong way. took a big chunk outta the back half the of the steel. 30 min later my skates had both been ground done so they were about even, but it was still a terrible job in which i lost more then half my steel. Thankfully they gave me a stealth lol.

A Stealth for a bad sharpening, that's customer service.

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I'll never forget that one time I didn't have time to go to my lhs and since a local sportchek is really close to my house i got my skates sharpenedt here on the way to the rink. the sharpening was so crappy the edges weren't even and i'd be just skating normally and when i tried to turn i'd fall.

having learned a tough and painful lesson, I will never ever get my skates sharpened anywhere else!

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last season before our practice our coahc sharpened like 3 kids skates. None of the 3 could even stand up. apparentally there was a problem with the skate sharpining machine that he didnt know about. it was hilarious watching the kids trry to skate.

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It's 50/50 at metrotown. If you get the dude with glasses he does a good job. That time i had some kid sharpen my skates and it was brutal!

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i used to work as a ops manager at sportchek and i made a rule where no one could sharpen skates unless they were the tech or me. So many times do i see skates that our sales staff would sharpen that were just flat out sucks. one time i saw someone using the grinder to try and sharpen skates... i was like "WTF are you doing?"

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You know what I have been doing lately? I have a pair of spare blades that I had previously sharpened, and a socket wrench and pliers to change them out if I have an emergency like that. It also helps a LOT if you break a blade, because do you really want some neaderthal changing blades too?

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I did that once in a pretty big hockey tournament away from hometown. Turns out there was a HUGE nick in my right skate, and it was unbelievable they couldn't identify it. It made my tournament seem horrible.

Never again did I let a different sharpener touch my skates.

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