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Mission 9500 chassis compared to Code-1

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I can't get used to the Hum'er Chassis so I got myself some 9500's today. I'm going to post the Code-1's in the for sale section here and if no one bites they'll go on ebay.

But look at the wheel base length difference between the two skates. Pictures don't do it justice... the code-1's and MUCH longer then the Missions. That's to be expected I guess with the 80mm wheels, but I didn't think there would be this much of a difference. Obviouisly the 9500's will give me more moverability and the code-1's gave me more speed.


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I tried on the Code 1's when I was getting my 9500's......I thought the Code 1's were absolute crap.

I've had 3 hubs crack on my wheels (Labeda gave me a new set of 8 wheels with their new, stronger hub) and 4 of the BEVO mini bearings have been shot within 11 games.

The boot itself on the code-1 is comfy for me. But after wearing the 9500's around my LHS I can see the 9500's will be more comfortable. Stiffer... more padding... about the same amount of weight... better bearings, better wheels. 9500 seems like a winner for me. Worth the money and after selling my code-1's I shouldn't lose much since the code-1's are $50 more retail.

The LHS guy said he loved the Hum'er chassis. I guess it's hit our miss for everyone. I couldn't get used to it. Although... it could be because my skate size is 8 and the chassis is so long to fit all those wheels in there. Maybe Labeda should do all 78mm wheels on their smaller skates so it's not like skating on speed skates.

I'm excited to use my 9500's next week and break them in. I heard break in is a pain though... oh well... that's hockey.

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I agree with Stock.........I have worn both companies and wear a size 8.5 in Tour and a 9 in mission. Plus, you can't look from end of wheel to end of wheel, you need to take the wheels off and compare the centers of the axels to each other and even then they will be off because of the hi-lo vs the all 80's. Regardless, you can't expect a 8 in Mission to be the same as a 8 in Tour, not gonna happen.

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How do u know the sizez? im a bit stressed now cos i just ordered the 9500s off hockeymonkey and i ordered a 7 cos the hockeymonkey size thing told me a 6 but i knew that wasnt right. but i wear a size 7 ccm atm which fit good to a little on the big side. should i have got a bigger mission size?

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Missions are 1 size up from Bauer/Graf. I can't recall how the CCM sizing is compared to the Bauer/Graf, but am sure it is in the Ice Hockey forum.

Street shoe isn't a great measure. I have shoes ranging from 8-10.5.

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Eazy is right about the shoe size....Youd be best to just get your foot measured, If it helps ya I wear a size 8 NIKE street shoe and a size 7 in Mission skates.

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im well confused!!!!

in mission proto skates i had a 8 and they fit perfect. but now i have size 7 nike and size 7 ccm rollers and size 6 ccm ice. i know the shoe converter was all off coz that sed i needed a size 6 and theres no way mission skates or my feet have changed so much that id go down two sizez.'

guess im just gonna have to keep my fingers crossed. gona cry if they dont fit tho cuz its costing me $90 to get em shipped to the UK and i will be gutted if they dont fit after that!

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They shouldn't both be size 8's. If they are one is misfitted, which may be why you prefer the Missions.

Nope... they both fit correctly. My toes touch the front of both skates.

I'm a size 10 regular shoe. I'm size 8EE in Bauer Vapors (fit perfectly), size 8D in Tour (fit perfectly) and size 8D in mission (fit perfectly). I orignally went in and tried a size 9 Mission but it was too big. Mission does not fit the same as shoe size... at least not with the 9500's.

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Missions are 1 size up from Bauer/Graf. I can't recall how the CCM sizing is compared to the Bauer/Graf, but am sure it is in the Ice Hockey forum.

Street shoe isn't a great measure. I have shoes ranging from 8-10.5.

I agree... street shoe isn't a great measure. I can vary from 9 in some dress shoes to 10.5... once even an 11.

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I agree with Stock.........I have worn both companies and wear a size 8.5 in Tour and a 9 in mission. Plus, you can't look from end of wheel to end of wheel, you need to take the wheels off and compare the centers of the axels to each other and even then they will be off because of the hi-lo vs the all 80's. Regardless, you can't expect a 8 in Mission to be the same as a 8 in Tour, not gonna happen.

I didn't expect them to fit the same. The tours fit perfectly at a size 8. I actually got my first pair that were too big (8.5) so I returned them for an 8. You guys can disagree with me all you want that these skates don't fit right. That's fine. You'd know :). I'd probably be in the same boat as you as EVERYONE knows that mission skates are usually 1 size or so larger then other brand skates.

But these two skates both fit perfectly. I just wanted to show the difference in wheel base length between the two skates... not talk about my "incorectly" sized skates. My example isn't perfect as you mentioned... but clearly the Hum'er wheel base is much longer then the Hi-Lo wheel base.

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The width will have altered the fit, but I'll leave it alone because you are happy with them. Keep in mind for the wheel base comparison you are comparing an 8 Mission to an 8 Tour, when it should be a 9 Mission to an 8 Tour.

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The width will have altered the fit, but I'll leave it alone because you are happy with them. Keep in mind for the wheel base comparison you are comparing an 8 Mission to an 8 Tour, when it should be a 9 Mission to an 8 Tour.

Yes... the widths are different as the tours are wider. I've read previous posts about sizing and it seems Mission made the toe box on this years skates wider then they had in the past. This would explain me being able to fit into an 8 mission skate. In the past I had worn a size 9 mission skate (The balls of my feet are wide).

Aren't both chassis on both skates a size small though? I think that would be what would need to be compared. If I wore a size 9 Mission I beleive the Chassis would jump to a size Medium, and that would definately throw off the comparison. But the chassis are the same size (small) so my comparison between the two lengths should be, at least somewhat, legit.

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Another interesting point...

all size 5-7 tour code 1's ship with 76 mm wheels all around. I didn't want to go through the hassle of finding 76 mm wheels, when it seems most manufacturers use 72 and 80.

I just ordered 9500's in size 7, and I wear a size 8 puma. We'll see!

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Another interesting point...

all size 5-7 tour code 1's ship with 76 mm wheels all around. I didn't want to go through the hassle of finding 76 mm wheels, when it seems most manufacturers use 72 and 80.

I just ordered 9500's in size 7, and I wear a size 8 puma. We'll see!

I didn't know they shipped with smaller wheels. That is interesting. But I guess they would have to considering four 80mm wheels on a size 8 is really pushing it.

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Keep in mind for the wheel base comparison you are comparing an 8 Mission to an 8 Tour, when it should be a 9 Mission to an 8 Tour.

The wheel base on a 9 and 8 Mission is the same....It doesn't change...

Also, our Medium and Small chassis have the same wheel base...The difference is the mounting plate...

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