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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Morrison Synthesis

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I searched but found nothing to what i need, but i have seen that Brendan Morrison has been using a Synthesis with a Standard t-flex blade i believe. Whats the purpose of using a standard blade with a tapered shaft? Wouldnt that ruin the purpose of the shaft? Low kick point etc...?

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he probably has the synthsis shaft flipped and he is using the other end. I am currently using this setup but with a busted synergy and find that my shots are still the same.

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No, Morrison uses a T-Flex painted as a Synthesis (basically same shaft but shorter due to the long hosel).

Some people just prefer the feel of a long hosel feel over a short hosel.

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Ahhh now i see, Thanks Graz! If i was to purchase a tapered shaft, and shave down the hosels to fit in them, how would that work out? Should i or shouldnt i?

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I find that if I use a standard length tapered blade in a tapered shaft I can load up my shot a bit more! I guess the release is little slower, but it does feel nice really getting alot of flex in to the shot with good snap!

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