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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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i was listening to the radio and they were reffering to a team by saying habs. Whos nickname is this>? and howd they get this nickname?

sorry if this is a stupid question, it just confused me.

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People who live in canada are canadians. Habs is short for habitants (people who live in canada). The H on the jersey is not for Habitants but for Hockey.

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i hate when ppl say "habs" or "aves" on tv, cause they sound so much the same :(

When I was younger, I thought they were the same thing. ;)

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Wow, I always thought the "H" in the jersey meant Habitants, and the C meant Canadien, and that the full name of Montreal team was "Les Habitants Canadien" or "C-H" on the jersey.

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People who live in canada are canadians. Habs is short for habitants (people who live in canada). The H on the jersey is not for Habitants but for Hockey.

That's right buddy, funny how I had a conversation with one of my teamates about this H and the C is fo Club, so it's Club de hockey Canadiens.

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