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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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So if I lay a quarter..........

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So if I lay a quarter on my blades, it should be parallel with the footbeds, correct?

On the right skate it leans towarrd the outside of the skate, on the left toward the inside. Is this turn bias or bad sharpening?

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most sharpeners have a level tool thats kind of like a mini clamp that clamps the blade. they then put a flat piece over the runner to check if its level. sorry, its hard to explain, but the edges should be even

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have you skated on the skates since you got them sharpened? If so you can wear down one edge a little more than another. Right after a sharpening they should be level though

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So if I lay a quarter on my blades, it should be parallel with the footbeds, correct?

On the right skate it leans towarrd the outside of the skate, on the left toward the inside. Is this turn bias or bad sharpening?

Correct. As someone said, they should be balanced right after a sharpening. However, it appears your skates were sharpened with the skate not centered on the stone, i.e., a bad sharpening.

Youtr symptoms are a tell-tale sign of an improper sharpening, low edge on the outside on one, and low on the inside on the other. This is because the skates are reversed when clamped in the skate holder.

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Definitely a bad sharpening the quarter doesn't always work, only because its hard to tell with the naked eye sometimes how level it is, the level tool will tell you though, next time you get them sharpened ask them about it...

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Little late jumping in on this one, but you KNOW we are hurting without you here in the Sunshine State anymore, JR!

I don't know where in FL the O.P. is from, but there have been some big changes at the rink in Daytona and it seems like they actually have their act together there. If you are anywhere near there, it may be worth trying them out.

Also, you might ask JR about any "alternatives" he might be able to recommend involving 2 sets of steels and Priority Mail envelopes.

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