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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Ok so I play about 4-5 times a week for my high school team. Right now I skate in Bauer 2090s and I really like them. I skated in Externo 60's before and liked them until the E-blade fell apart. So what would you guys recommend?

I'm 15, and not a small kid at 5'8, 205. I want a skate thats comfortable but wont fall apart like my 2090s did (I've only had them for 6 months.) Help me out please.

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The Bauer Supreme series are amazing, especially the 090 series. I'm assuming you have a wide forefoot so here are my suggestions:

CCM Vector Pro (going for $279.98 at HockeyMonkey.com)

Bauer Supreme 8090

Nike Flexlite 10/12

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If you liked the E60s, you can pick up a pair for $99 at most places, but the 8090s are a better deal. They will have a similiar fit to your 2090, but will be more duruable and have more protection. Plus you can get them on sale for $229.

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Now in terms of sizing. Like I know I'd get the same size 8090 as my 2090s. But if my 2090's are size 6, what would I be in a Vector or flexlite?

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In the Vector you "should" be a 5.5 and in the Nike you "should" be a 6.5.... BUT TRY THEM ON FIRST!!!! I'm a 9D in a Bauer Vapor 10 (not X), an 8.5D in my Vector Pro's and my friends Flexlight 12's are a 9.5D and fit great....

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In the Vector you "should" be a 5.5 and in the Nike you "should" be a 6.5....  BUT TRY THEM ON FIRST!!!!  I'm a 9D in a Bauer Vapor 10 (not X), an 8.5D in my Vector Pro's and my friends Flexlight 12's are a 9.5D and fit great....

5.5 would be a junior size, much cheaper but not as stiff.

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I skated in Externo 60's before and liked them until the E-blade fell apart.

Curious what do you mean by e-blade falling apart??? Rivits coming out, what? The E holder is very durable ans the steel does not break or come loose like Bauer's so, would like to know what you mean.

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i have vapor XIX great skate i have also used the XX another great one by bauer and i have heard great things about the XXX and 8090s the XX lasted me a year until i grew out of them still great condition

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The Vapors are light, but they are not the most durable skates. If the 2090s fit you than I would suggest going with the 8090s. The are more durable and less expensive than the Vapor XX and XXX.

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Ok so I play about 4-5 times a week for my high school team. Right now I skate in Bauer 2090s and I really like them. I skated in Externo 60's before and liked them until the E-blade fell apart. So what would you guys recommend?

I'm 15, and not a small kid at 5'8, 205. I want a skate thats comfortable but wont fall apart like my 2090s did (I've only had them for 6 months.) Help me out please.

CCM Pro Tacks 04 model goes for $149.99 (JR sizes). Among the best skates around i.m.h.o. Durable as h*ll!

Available in 3 different widths; C, D, E. Size 5.5 is in stock in all 3 widths :)


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