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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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He10000 chassis only for sale?

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I'm interested in buying just the He10000 chassis's to put on another pair of skates.

Anyone know if it's possible to just buy the chassis from Mission or a dealer?

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I highly doubt Justin would risk pissing someone else at mission off to provide a non potential customer with something as simple as a chassis. However...I have a MG chassis off of a HE950 lying around my house that I am willing to part with...If you are interested PM me.

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Well, I am upgrading Mission 5500's, so I am a customer. The high end models (7500 - 10000) are just way too stiff for me, but I still want a lightweight chassis and micro bearings.

I'd consider the redstar alloys, but I have two questions.

Will they have to drill new holes in my soles or does it actually match the existing ones?

Can I use micro bearings with the redstar alloy?

Drilling new holes concerns me. Do they fill in the holes, and drill new ones? What if the holes overlap slightly? Obviously there must be some way around this if Redstar is in business, but it sounds like problems to me.

I'd consider the HE950 MG chassis provided my concerns about mounting are resolved.

Thanks for the input guys.

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I have alloy's on my Rbk8kPumps.

Answer1: The holes do not match the existing, and neither will they on Mission boots.

Answer2: Yes you can use micro bearings on Alloy's, have mb816's on them right now.

Alloy's are the best hi-lo chassis you can buy seperatly. No doubt in my mind, the hard part is finding them since they are discontinued.

I've seen them on hockey monkey, if you use a size below 9 in Mission get the small size (size 4, on Redstars) if your a 9 or above order the medium (size5, on Redstars)

And if your above 10.5 in Mission get a size large... (yes it's a size 6... :) )

I know this from personal experiance, you can easily swap chassis once (sometimes twice) without any problems. And get the Alloy's they are sweet.

It will probaly be around ca.60g's each skate will be lighter, and you can tell the difference, mainly because you've paid to feel it... B)

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