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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Help with Skates for My Foot

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There seem to be a lot of knowledgable people here so I will present my skate-fitting dilemma.

In general I would describe my foot as slightly wide in the forefoot with a narrow heel. I am wearing Bauer 7000s now. They fit ok in the heel but are a bit narrow in the forefoot, just a bit. They are still light years better than the Vapor 8s and Graf 704s I had for a short time that were so narrow I had to wear sandals the next day because my feet were killing me. The Vapors hurt the side of my foot, the 704s hurt where the boot started to narrow up by the toe cap. When I did the third eyelet pencil test with the 7000s, the pencil touched both the skate on both sides and my foot.

I have boney ankles that pretty much pushed all the gel in the ankles back to fill the void around my achillies tendon in the 7000s. So now my ankles get pretty beat up.

I have tried on CCM 1052s but while they were nice in the forefoot, my heel was swimming.

I also overpronate a lot.

As for some more info, New Balance shoes tend to fit me best because of the room in the forefoot/toe area.

Any suggestions you can make as to what skates may fit my foot would be appreciated.

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I'm not an equipment pro but i've got almost the exact same conditions (Overpronate, bony ankles, wide forefoot). This is only an opinion.

I find Missions to be the absolute best so far. I can't give any specific technical reasons why but when I heat-molded them they wrapped my foot like a glove. I have the Pure-fly model from '03 with supplefit liner. In the beginning they seemed to grab my ankle bone and suspend it as I took a stride, not good. When I loosened the top lace a bit it resolved it. Now that they're completely broken in I have no issues with support at the ankle and can crank down on the top lace when I need a bit more support. No problems in the toe box either.

Other skates I've tried (CCM 652, Pro Tacks, Bauer Supreme 7000) Immediately pressed into my ankle. This may just be a high-boot versus low-boot condition but the Missions don't give me any trouble. They also all had some issue in the toe area (mostly on the sides), slightly too small even with heat fitting.

I think Mission's S series had similar boots to the Pure Fly, they look the same anyway. It may be worth a try.

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Try the Bauer Supreme 8090.

My feet seem to be very similar to yours (wide forefoot, narrow heel, bony ankles) and the 8090s fit me perfectly. Also the 8090 is one of the best skates I have ever used - gotta love it.

cyclonetaylor sell them for only 250 right now.

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IF you have a shallow instep then the 8090's might not be for you. When i tried on the 8090's everything fit well but the instep was just too much for me. Im not sure how the 7000's fit but my old mission skates (circa 2000, 01 maybe) had narrow toe boxes, you might encounter the same problem (Im pretty sure mission uses the same toe boxes on their ice skates). If you need more room at the toes I would suggest nikes. In general, they seem to be a tad wider than most, imo.

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How about the RBK:s, with the PUMP feature? They are supposed to have a tight fitting heel, a wide midfoot and plenty of room in the toebox area.

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