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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Homework help

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Sorry guys, im stumped. If searched threw google and cant find the answers. I know theres a few guys here who are good with this type of stuff. So any help is apprectiated. Anyways heres the question.

"Following heavy exercise lactic acid accumulates in our blood and skeletal muscles. However lactic acid can be removed or broken down from the blood and muscle at a more rapid rate by performing light exercises rather than by resting throughout the recovery period.

There are four possible fates that happen to the lactic acid. List each of them."

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Don't know if this helps, but I found this on a web site.

The lactate shuttle involves the following series of events:

As we exercise pyruvate is formed

When insufficient oxygen is available to breakdown the pyruvate then lactate is produced

Lactate enters the surrounding muscle cells, tissue and blood

The muscle cells and tissues receiving the lactate either breakdown the lactate to fuel (ATP) for immediate use or use it in the creation of glycogen

The glycogen then remains in the cells until energy is required

65% of lactic acid is converted to carbon dioxide and water, 20% into glycogen, 10% into protein and 5% into glucose.

Here is the website - http://www.brianmac.demon.co.uk/lactic.htm

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I think the part you made bold must be it, I cant find anything else really. His question Isnt as clear as It could be. Thanks for the help.

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Do you guys think that question will ever come up in a job interview or an everyday situation. After school, you probably won't say "lactic acid" much less understand it's properties. LOL

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Do you guys think that question will ever come up in a job interview or an everyday situation. After school, you probably won't say "lactic acid" much less understand it's properties. LOL

You can say that about alot of things in school.

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Like pretty much everything I learn in algebra. I mean, wtf, quadratic equations? The only time I'll ever hear this come up again will be when I have kids...

School isn't for just accumulating knowledge. It's all a stress test to see if we can simply follow/remember directions and solve problems.

No one cares if we remember quadratic equations but they care whether or not we were able to understand it at one point.

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depending on what you go to do in college youll use it. for instance sine, cosine, and tangent: law school students will never see that again, but engineering sure as hell will.

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depending on what you go to do in college youll use it. for instance sine, cosine, and tangent: law school students will never see that again, but engineering sure as hell will.

Hey Im learning that right now.

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