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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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2 questions on cheap wood sticks

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OK, so when I started playing hockey I got some cheap wood sticks to learn with. I only recently got in on the composite thing.

Now, I have 2 questions.

firstly, whats does the KPS mean?

It says 48.5 kps on it. I know with the composites it has the 100 flex etc, is this a flex thing for wood sticks.

Also, is it possible for the cheaper sticks to become illegal.

Again using my Koho Torpedos as an example.

I have 4 of them, with Jagr curves. I have used one of them extensively, the others as a backup, but haven't needed them yet. I also just bought a bauer composite with the Gagne curve.

Now, looking at the one I have been using, it looks like the blade (the Jagr one) has opened up a little more than the backup sticks I have not been using, and looks like its banannaed a bit.

So, is this in my head, or is it possible that the blade changed a little because its a cheap stick. The face does not look quite as open as my gagne blade, but comparing it to the other Jagr sticks I have, its definately opened up a little.

It's no big deal really, because I don't play to a level where anyone would even call an illegal stick, but I was wondering what the kps meant and if the blade curve could change

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I believe kps is for kilopascals. Must be a ratio for flex (physics was a llong time age). I could be wrong and it means "Koho something".

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Blades on wood sticks will vary with each stick. One of the benefits of composite sticks is that you get the same curve every time. Each wood blade is a little different. Doesn't bother me, because the differences are not huge.

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