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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Shaft questions

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Hi guys,

Snapped my stick at training last night but was kinda on the look out for a new one anyways, think i might get a shaft/blade combo, and was wondering what you guys use?

Im thinking of maybe getting a CCM Vector 110 or 130. Does anyone use either of these? Is the tapered shaft worth the extra money? Also can these shafts be cut down at all?

Thanks for your help!


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I was looking into tapered shafts recently, but find the tapered blades cost significantly more than the standard blades..so I'm sticking with the standard blade/shaft combo. A tapered shaft is suppose to give your shots that extra kick.

A shaft can be cut down in length, but it'll stiffen up the shaft.

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The bonus is that a tapered shaft performs like a OPS. A Synthesis shaft and blade combo will perform like the old silver Synergy. If your going to look at a tapered shaft, check out the Mission L-2 combo, it comes with a shaft and two blades for about the cost of a OPS. Not a bad deal. Standard shafts also perform well, but slightly different from the tapered shafts. Your choice will probably depend on your budget.

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Personally I prefer the tapered shaft and blade combo. I like the extra performace and the extra cost is only on the first purchase. Some manufacturers charge more, others are the same or even less. i like the idea of popping a wood blade into a tapered shaft and having the best of both worlds.

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thanks for the input guys, just a few more questions tho,

my buget isnt too big unfortunatly due to being a poor student :unsure: , but what would you rate as good tapered shafts alongside the L-2?



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I rate the innovative 1100 tops next would be the easton synthesis. Lots of folks like the L2 as well but for me the narrower shaft shape does not sit in my hands as well

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Personally I got an ultralite shaft for 80 bucks and a z-carbon blade and that combo lasted me for months and months. The blade eventually broke but I still use the ultralite shaft today. My favorite and best buy so far was the ultralite shaft i have. Very durable. Good for us broke students.

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