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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Baking my TPS Contour shinguards

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I want to bake my TPS Contour shinguards because they're just WAY too wide. I decided to bake them instead of buy new shinguards.

I have the shinguards all taped up really tight so they're very narrow in the position I want them in, they're all ready to go in my oven, I just don't know what settings to put the oven on and for how long.

What temperature should I bake them at and how long should I leave them in for?


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You probably don't have to use the oven. You may be better off using a hair dryer or heat gun (on a low setting). When my Mission M-1 pants were new, the thigh pads in the front were too wide so I used a heat gun and carefully curved them.

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I already tried a hair dryer and it didn't hold the position at all and I don't have a heat gun.

What settings should I use for the oven?

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Id say really low...like the very minimum...I really dont know about baking shinguards in your oven though....you should be real careful...but just pre heat on like the lowest setting heat them for like 5 min and see what happens...worst case they get ruined and you have to buy another pair or you could burn the house down...lol

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Just start out really low, maybe around 130 (degrees farenheit) and if that doesn't work, slowly increase the heat until you see an effect. 5-10 minutes in the oven is probably long enough.

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Why risk ruining your pads by putting them in the oven? Just go drop the $25 and get a heat gun. It's a good investment.

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I bought a heat gun tonight and the plastic still won't hold the shape. I sat there for 20 minutes heating them up with them taped into the narrow position and then I let it sit for an hour or two, then put it in the fridgerator for like 30 minutes just to make sure they were completely cooled off, I then took off the tape and the plastic expanded right back to their original wideness and didn't hold at all.

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