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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Vapor XXs - Lightspeed or Reg Tuuk ?

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If you notice some of the NHL players that wear the XXs put on the regular Tuuks (like Forsberg I believe). Do you think that is because they are so used to the regular Tuuk and did not like the Lightspeed ?

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If you're really hard on your skates and weigh a lot, then go with the custom plus, if not, the lightspeed is nice. I like it. Needless to say, to each his own.

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If you're really hard on your skates and weigh a lot, then go with the custom plus, if not, the lightspeed is nice.

Why does a person's weight make much difference? Any other opinions on this topic, this has not been talked about a whole lot here.

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It's mostly a matter of preference. I have a pair of lightspeeds and I haven't used them yet.

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thats kinda obvious. if you weigh more, more preassure on chassis, thus weaker chassis would break more often, or easier.

id go for the lightspeeds, they're real nice. coming from pro lite 3's, i could do a lot of agile movements in it a bit easier.

thumbs up for me

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thats kinda obvious. if you weigh more, more preassure on chassis, thus weaker chassis would break more often, or easier.

id go for the lightspeeds, they're real nice. coming from pro lite 3's, i could do a lot of agile movements in it a bit easier.

thumbs up for me

The extra agility may be due to the shorter radius as much as the holder itself.

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I have used almost all the holders, other then Lightspeeds, and by FAR my favorite is the Tuuk. Mainly becasue of stiffness and stability, but it's pretty light too, also they are tanks. Really there's nothing wrong with the Tuuks, they are probably the most versitile holders on the market.

**Tuuk Custom +'s I am talking about**

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