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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Si-Core vs. SL

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For those of you guys who have tried out these two sticks, which do you prefer and how is the CNT blade in comparison to the Si-Core for feel. I remember Chadd saying that CNT was lightyears ahead of the Si-Core in one topic and I wanted some further comments from those of you guys who have used these two. So I guess, comment on puck feel, shot, and durability.

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Feel wise, The SL has much better puck feel then the Si-core Grip IMO.

I have noticed a bit of a performance edge in favor of the SL, there seems to be more kick in my shots then with my SCG.

Can't really comment on durability for the SL yet, I have only had mine for about a month. Aside from the paint chipping off like crazy, the blade and the shaft seem to be holding up fine.

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Feel wise, The SL has much better puck feel then the Si-core Grip IMO.

I have noticed a bit of a performance edge in favor of the SL, there seems to be more kick in my shots then with my SCG.

Can't really comment on durability for the SL yet, I have only had mine for about a month. Aside from the paint chipping off like crazy, the blade and the shaft seem to be holding up fine.

a kid on my team just broke thre in 2 games (and practices in between)... 2 in the shaft, one at the blade... so from what ive seen it comes down to the duribility vs performance deal with the sl

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sl has way better preformance..the blades feel is sick and the shafts balence is superior..inless your not hard on sticks i recomend the sL

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