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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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massive RH fight

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i cant believe this video is everywhere. i play for lindenwood d1 roller hockey and like 6 kids from my team, including myself referee there...that fight happened at a rink in st. charles, missouri...omni sportsplex. it was a sunday afternoon high school league that was full of dusters and benders. not one of those kids had skill to get them past a high school "c" team... those kids are a bunch of hoosiers from about 30 minutes outside of st. louis.

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  Patrick67 said:
Most of them were kids....

My last game I godt assaulted from behind with 1second remaining. Finished my (clean) check on a guy, who appearantly was just waiting for an excuse to drop his gloves.

Finished the check turned my back on him and started skateing up the rink, then a moment later I feel a arm around my throut dragging me down from behind. He Littery tried to choke me...

We had 2 games that day, and didn't want to be suspended for the 2nd one, so I lay still and waiting for the Ref or somebody to remove him... nothing happended for like 30-45s while he was choking me, until one of my teammates came racing from the bench and removed him. Got a cut lip and a huge mark where my chinstrap had scratched my neck.

The Ref gave me 2min's for boarding and the the other guy 2mins for Roughing while my teammate who stopped the "fight" got a game misconduct and a 1-game suspension.

Probaly the worst call ever in a game I've played.  :huh:

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  Patrick67 said:
Most of them were kids....

My last game I godt assaulted from behind with 1second remaining. Finished my (clean) check on a guy, who appearantly was just waiting for an excuse to drop his gloves.

Finished the check turned my back on him and started skateing up the rink, then a moment later I feel a arm around my throut dragging me down from behind. He Littery tried to choke me...

We had 2 games that day, and didn't want to be suspended for the 2nd one, so I lay still and waiting for the Ref or somebody to remove him... nothing happended for like 30-45s while he was choking me, until one of my teammates came racing from the bench and removed him. Got a cut lip and a huge mark where my chinstrap had scratched my neck.

The Ref gave me 2min's for boarding and the the other guy 2mins for Roughing while my teammate who stopped the "fight" got a game misconduct and a 1-game suspension.

Probaly the worst call ever in a game I've played. 

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Sounds like my playoff game:

10 sec. left we are up 6-0. I win face off back and get the puck to myself actually. look up and my wingers holding his stick way up at the far blueline. I flip the puck about to where he was over everyones head. somehow he catches it, goes in and does a freakin froggy!! :lol: And this is Illinios's capitals varsity. Of course the other team is outraged. Many of them said after the game why froggy when your up 6-0. Anyways Me and the other winger go to congradualate him and wish we had it on camera. Mean while theyre captain and goalie come up to our little circle and say you guys are horrible, you guys suck...etc..

All I say is "You just got your ass froggied, why are you still here?" Immidiatly the captain tackles me, starts througing punches. The goalie decides to help. My two wingers try to hold back their other guys. So I have a captain and goalie on me and two refs trying to grab them. Half our bench rushes out because the game is over and we are in the championship we cant afford any suspensions. As I was laying there getting my butt whooped Ive got like two seconds to decide what to do. I decided to duck my head in get under the ref. Call me a pussy, but I wanted to play in that championship, why kick some guys ass that you already whooped on the rink?

AFter all that the refs were friends with our coach and they didnt give us anything cause they knew what the other team was trying to do. Just get us kicked out for next game.

To top it all off I asked the ref if he gave me the assist for the goal! :D He just said dont push it.

Thought Id share a froggy story with you guys.

As for that video, The first thing that comes to my mind is those two fans are annoying as hell! Constantly yelling and acting like badass's

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That Flyers/Senators brawl is cool :D Not even the faceoff done and they already started fighting.. really without a reason :') Cool fight though :P

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hey, u have gota love those guys filmin in the first video - sooo funny - listen out for the guy shouting take his f***** head off!! hahaha

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  Patrick67 said:
What the hell is a Froggy?
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I searched all over online and couldnt find a pic or vid. of it, but thats because its so rare to happen.

Its pretty much an insult to the goalie and their team if you can pull it off because the odds of actually scoring are so low and the goalie's gota be horrible.

on a breakaway

-leave puck on forehand side

-put your stick behing the leg of the puck. So im a righty the stick will go from my upper hand across my belly button under my pants behind my right leg and meet the puck.

Shoot a rist shot

It may sound easy but its pretty hard to shoot a rist shot and keep balance with your stick going inbetween your legs and all.

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HAHA i know what u mean. one of my under12s dun it tday. It was semi final of our superleague comp (like same concept as ur statewars) so massive game. We were down 2on4 cos of penalties and the game was tyed at 3all. He skated from behind the net past all four of there guys and pulled that the on the goalie. it was awesome hes got some guts to do it at that stage of a game. top it all off it was game winning too. it does look sweet when it works!!!

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  ktnumber13 said:
HAHA i know what u mean. one of my under12s dun it tday. It was semi final of our superleague comp (like same concept as ur statewars) so massive game. We were down 2on4 cos of penalties and the game was tyed at 3all. He skated from behind the net past all four of there guys and pulled that the on the goalie. it was awesome hes got some guts to do it at that stage of a game. top it all off it was game winning too. it does look sweet when it works!!!
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Yea that takes alot of balls to pull off when ur shorthanded and the games on the line. WE only did it because we were winning 6-0.

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