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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Taking the blade out of an XN10

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What about an M-1? Can you pull those out? I successfully did it with an Adrenaline and an XN10. I actually used the xn10 as a tapered blade now because I snapped the shaft.

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What about an M-1? Can you pull those out? I successfully did it with an Adrenaline and an XN10. I actually used the xn10 as a tapered blade now because I snapped the shaft.

Really old ones you can

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I have a xxx lite and since it is the new all one piece deal I take it that means if my blade cracks I'm screwed and the stick is done?

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well no really, i seen them at the store and they seem to be very skinny near the bottom of the stick, so my guess would be you would have to chop off alot of the bottom to fit even a tapered blade, i have a XXX right now and i just flipped it over, that would be ur best bet even thow some ppl find the performance horrible after

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