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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Product winners 2006-2007 season

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KOR won by one vote in the skate category.

It would be interesting to see who the runners up were in each category. Especially the skates if it was only a one vote difference.

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I think a vote on the Best Products EVER in each category would be interesting as the latest lines aren't always the best. And what I mean by the best is the best products or ideas not the best selling products...for example I personally wear a Mission Carbster helmet and I know some people find them ugly, but it's the most comfortable and protective helmet I've ever worn or tried.

I have a feeling the XXX vote may be based on sales rather than quality based on what I've read and heard about them (great performance at first, but weak steel and poor durability), but I could be wrong. I have the KOR skates and am very happy with them so far so have to agree with that selection.

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I think a vote on the Best Products EVER in each category would be interesting as the latest lines aren't always the best. And what I mean by the best is the best products or ideas not the best selling products...for example I personally wear a Mission Carbster helmet and I know some people find them ugly, but it's the most comfortable and protective helmet I've ever worn or tried.

I have a feeling the XXX vote may be based on sales rather than quality based on what I've read and heard about them (great performance at first, but weak steel and poor durability), but I could be wrong. I have the KOR skates and am very happy with them so far so have to agree with that selection.

the old mission inlines would definatally be the winner!!!

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