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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
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Forward Pitch, is it the boot, blade, holder

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I was just curious. If I had boots I liked, but wanted more forward pitch, could I change the blade holder.

I have seen comments here that graf have more forward pitch than others, so would that pitch transfer if I took the holder/blade from a graf and put it on a ccm boot, or is it in boot design too, or a combination of all three?

What are the flattest and most "pitchy" I guess skates.

Just curious


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I put the cobras on my XXX and noticed no pitch difference...I was told all the forward pitch is from the graf boot. Also had a LS and the cobras on a steel table again no noticable difference.

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I'm not really looking to do much of anything at the minute. I just saw in another thread where someone said they got graf skates and then put their old bauer holders on it to reduce the pitch or something, and I was curious what contributed to it.

I am just trying te absorb some knowledge to maybe use down the road, its either that or do some real work

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