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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Perforated Steel

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I just got the LS2 holders with perforated steel mounted on my 8090's and i was just wondering if there was any way to get the little bit of rust thats in the perforations out, and prevent more rust from appearing. I take as much care of my skates as possible i take the insoles out, take off the soakers and even have a fan blowing air into the skates so i might be a little more picky than necessary. I know they are just hockey skates but i was thinking the rust could possibly weaken the steel, and i try to keep rust from the rivets and on the rest of the steel so i dont see a problem in trying to prevent rust in the perforations. I was thinking WD-40 would work but i wanted to make sure it wouldnt cause any other problems that i wouldnt think about before using it.


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I just got the LS2 holders with perforated steel mounted on my 8090's and i was just wondering if there was any way to get the little bit of rust thats in the perforations out, and prevent more rust from appearing. I take as much care of my skates as possible i take the insoles out, take off the soakers and even have a fan blowing air into the skates so i might be a little more picky than necessary. I know they are just hockey skates but i was thinking the rust could possibly weaken the steel, and i try to keep rust from the rivets and on the rest of the steel so i dont see a problem in trying to prevent rust in the perforations. I was thinking WD-40 would work but i wanted to make sure it wouldnt cause any other problems that i wouldnt think about before using it.


cloth and patience :P

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coat the inside of the perf areas with vaseline.

Tried that! <_< I had the same problem with my Vapors. The only way was to take them out and clean them. Can't use WD-40 because of the holder.

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what if i take the steel out and do the WD-40 would that mess with the holders then???

Thats what I did when they were out of the holder coated the steel down with WD-40....wiped off very well and put back in the holder. I did'nt do this every time I skated just about every couple of months.

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i think i might go do that right now, do you have any idea what size the socket is that you need to loosen the nut??? i guess you can say im lazy but im bad with metric and standard so i end up ruining a lot of nuts and bolts lol

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i think i might go do that right now, do you have any idea what size the socket is that you need to loosen the nut??? i guess you can say im lazy but im bad with metric and standard so i end up ruining a lot of nuts and bolts lol

100th Post Woo Ha

5/16 nut driver for the LS2

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After you take(after an ice time) off your skates take out the insole right a way and wipe blade and holders with an old towel and make sure you air out your skates when you get home.

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what would Wd-40 do to the holders anyway?

Plastic + unapproved chemicals= bad times. It could weaken the polymer matrix, thus breaking down the plastic.

Maybee some cosmolene would work?

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what would Wd-40 do to the holders anyway?

Plastic + unapproved chemicals= bad times. It could weaken the polymer matrix, thus breaking down the plastic.

Maybe he could spray WD-40 onto a cloth and wipe the blades down to avoid making contact with the holder, or cover up the holder with something while spraying the WD-40 onto the blades.

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