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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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johnathan cheechoo

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San Jose Sharks' Jonathan Cheechoo is run over by Edmonton Oilers' Michael Peca as Edmonton's Fernando Pisani (34) gets...look in the gallery for that caption put the picture all the way big and look at it you will notice the logo too

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cheechoo use to use si-cores before they were discontinued, then he went to SLs. I'm just gonna take a guess that its a SL painted like a si-core, or a si-core with modified graphics.

OR maybe its the ultra new top secret latest development from easton hockey the Si-Core SL Grip+ xn10 estimated to retail for $270. jk

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cheechoo use to use si-cores before they were discontinued, then he went to SLs. I'm just gonna take a guess that its a SL painted like a si-core, or a si-core with modified graphics.

OR maybe its the ultra new top secret latest development from easton hockey the Si-Core SL Grip+ xn10 estimated to retail for $270. jk

$270 US ;)

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Did you ever think that maybe it was an early run and the new graphics aerent updated only the color?

Did you ever think that not everyone would know something like that?

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