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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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After school

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8:55 clases start

11:45 classes finish

12:25 highschool hockey practice starts

2:25 highschool hockey practice finishes

4:15 back at home

-if it's tuesday or thursday i have hockry practice at 5:45

-watch t.v

-go on msh NOT IN ANY ORDER

-have a snack

-maybe a bit of x-box

6:45 supper


-more t.v NOT IN ANY ORDER

-more computer

go to bed around 10:00

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Every day

-That 70's Show

-The sheild

-Ps2 With Brother (rainbow six lockdown as of now)

-computer, this ebay and random stuff online, no myspace

-hockey about five days of week, so thats like four hours of my night.


o, I forgot thats my life, theres no occasionally! :huh:

notice the homework space, :blink:

But in the summer, its hockey everyday, litterally. My two best friends are the rink managers kids, and we get pick up everyday. No lie. Thats why my roller is a step over ice.

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