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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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best lhs in or around Dallas, TX

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I know that..as a former official myself..however as someone who's played pretty much coast to coast, no place is in more dire need of on-ice clinics and coaching that this area..

And whatever old-boy network is in place will likely prvent the needed changes from taking place.

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good point, there were people in the late 80's who none of us would ref with and my last trip back to NY the same guy did our game..

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The lady you're talking about is Cindy and she is fairly knowledgable as far as I can tell. She's a hockey mom who has a couple of kids who've gone though and are going thorugh the various leagues, plus essentially being Mark's right hand I've never had any reason to doubt her hockey knowledge.

She's nice and has general knowledge, but she did butcher my skates when she was the one who sharpened them. It was one of the few times I didn't check the edges immediately afterwards, but thankfully I looked before my game and saw it. If I hadn't, I would have had one edge on one of my skates. She won't be touching my skates again.

She also had a couple of problems answering basic questions back when they opened. Maybe she's gotten more familiar with their product since then. However, I usually am not in there when she is.

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