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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Skate Fit Issue

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I have a pair of Synergy 1100 skates. They fit my foot rather well (no pressure points or anything) but when I tie em up and get on the ice, there is no circulation going to my feet. I assume you are now saying "dont tie them so tight" but I dont tie them tight at all, because of this problem, I often play them too loose. Is there anything I can do to improve the fit along the instep of the skate (where the tongue is) to allow that artery to send blood to my feet?

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I have a pair of Synergy 1100 skates. They fit my foot rather well (no pressure points or anything) but when I tie em up and get on the ice, there is no circulation going to my feet. I assume you are now saying "dont tie them so tight" but I dont tie them tight at all, because of this problem, I often play them too loose. Is there anything I can do to improve the fit along the instep of the skate (where the tongue is) to allow that artery to send blood to my feet?

Does those skates use the shock doctor foot beds? the reason I ask is because the shiock dr. footbeds have a thick padding in the center of the insole and when I tried them it cut of circulation to my toes and I could tell that it was the insoles because when I took them out the problem went away.

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I use Superfeet footbeds in my skates. When I fit them and the whole time I have skated in them Im not feeling any width issues. I may try the original footbed and see if there are any changes. The superfeet do have a thicker portion from the mid to the rear of the skate.

Thanks for the help guys

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If you dont already try a UA sock or any skate sock. This may help with the circulation. I always noticed my feet were a little numb when I first got my skates. After I broke them in a bit it went away.

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If you dont already try a UA sock or any skate sock. This may help with the circulation. I always noticed my feet were a little numb when I first got my skates. After I broke them in a bit it went away.


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