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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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skate sharpenings

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i play college hockey, get them done once a week, usually before thurs prac when game is on fri.

"You know what Coxy let me ask you a question. Why'd you wanna play college hockey?"

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Does the createn that usually sharpens them grind them flat first and then move over to a different machine and put the hollow on? Some clowns in Massachusetts do that routinely, and you lose 3X the blade surface every time the do!

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Just a quick question here...

I want to get a sharpening from a pro, a equipment manager of a DEL club, but i dont know which radius/hollow/whatever i need.

Im 6'2 and 200 lbs if that helps.


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Just a quick question here...

I want to get a sharpening from a pro, a equipment manager of a DEL club, but i dont know which radius/hollow/whatever i need.

Im 6'2 and 200 lbs if that helps.


what are you using now and what would you like to improve?

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Well im using some "random" sharpening.. You prolly know the dilemma of german players and the sharpening issue.

Just want to get a "fitting" or maybe just "good" sharpening.

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Well im using some "random" sharpening.. You prolly know the dilemma of german players and the sharpening issue.

Just want to get a "fitting" or maybe just "good" sharpening.

What is the quality of ice you normally skate on?

What type of skates do you use now?

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Uh, i dont know how i can measure and/or describe the quality of the ice, im sure you can help me with this one.

Im sportin' some 8090 with LS1 at the moment.

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Uh, i dont know how i can measure and/or describe the quality of the ice, im sure you can help me with this one.

Im sportin' some 8090 with LS1 at the moment.

Is the ice hard, soft, mushy?

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i play college hockey, get them done once a week, usually before thurs prac when game is on fri.

btw off topic i used the sweetstick for the first time ever the other day, worst thing ever, does nothing but make ur skates so sharp you cant skate.,

It's not making them sharper. The reason why you can't skate is because it ruins your edge by turning it in.


obviously a quality sharpening woudl fix this right?

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