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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Easton Stick warranty

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easton may stop being so leanient if ppl start breaking their sticks intentionally.

I couldn't really understand someone paying out of their ass for a ops to break it just to get a warranty replacement.

And if such a high amount of these are breaking within the 30 day warranty thats not a defect thats just a s**t design

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And if such a high amount of these are breaking within the 30 day warranty thats not a defect thats just a s**t design

but people continue to buy them. As long as Easton makes money and their sticks sell, why would Easton care?

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easton may stop being so leanient if ppl start breaking their sticks intentionally.

I couldn't really understand someone paying out of their ass for a ops to break it just to get a warranty replacement.

And if such a high amount of these are breaking within the 30 day warranty thats not a defect thats just a s**t design

In all fairness, most breakage is not due to defect. When you slash a guy with two hands and break your stick, it shouldn't be replaced under warranty. When a guy who never learned to shoot properly breaks a stick because he mashes it straight down into the ice, it shouldn't be replaced under warranty.

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In all fairness, most breakage is not due to defect. When you slash a guy with two hands and break your stick, it shouldn't be replaced under warranty. When a guy who never learned to shoot properly breaks a stick because he mashes it straight down into the ice, it shouldn't be replaced under warranty.

exactly, because its not a manufactoring defect.

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