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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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BLack Beauty Lie Detector

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I have a lie detector, I believe it would help with all sticks but gives you the proper lie for thier sticks because they have a flat bottom. if you havn't used a flat bottom

stick because you can't find them anymore, there awesome for stick handling.

I think all little kids should use them they might be able to catch a pass to the back hand.

Flat bottom sticks are only good if you always keep the puck in the same spot in relation to your body. If you move it in and out or like to do toe drags, a flat bottom blade is much harder to use. I like blades that are relatively flat but a completely flat blade does not work well for me.

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Does not work for me. Intuitively it does not make sense.

With people using different sized curves and diff stick lenghts, as well as the way you bend your back and knees when you skate, there are too many variables.

I think the best method is to take your time, experiment with different patterns, observe the results--and be patient. I arrived at my ideal curve & lie by playing roller on smooth outdoor concrete for a few summers. I adjusted each blade based on what I observed on the previous one, until I had blades that were tweaked perfectly to my style and preferences.

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