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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Need nutrition/workout guidance

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First, I've searched this board and read everything related to nutrition and working out that I could find. Lots of good, interesting information.

But, I still feel like I need some advice. Here's my situation:

21 years old, 5'11 140 pounds. I've very little body fat and an extremely fast metabolism. In mid-December I decided I'd been away from hockey for too long and would join a men's league, and so I needed to go back to the gym to regain everything I've lost since pretty much not touching a single weight since I began college three years ago. At my prime in high school I was 155 pounds.

Now, I eat healthy, take multivitamins, etc. Go to the gym 6 days a week (seventh is my hockey game ;). I'm just not putting on weight like I expected to -- so I'm wondering if I'm eating too "healthy" (i.e., low cal, low fat) for my metabolism.

A typical day for me:

Breakfast: .5 cups oatmeal, 2 cups milk, 2 slices whole wheat bread, 2 eggs (one yolk), one banana, four slices of cheese.

Lunch: Giant salad, two slices of bread, array of vegetables -- eggplant, zucchini, broccoli, cheese. (Still full from breakfast, to be honest.)

Dinner: 1 cup cooked brown rice (better than white or no?), 2 eggs (one yolk), 2 slices of bread, vegetables, cheese.

and usually 2 protein shakes (one before workout/game, one after)

Do I need more fat? Or what? Any insight is appreciated here, especially links that could point me in the right direction. I've been thinking of squeezing fattier foods into my diet -- i.e., avocado, mixed nuts -- but man, I'm getting tired of eating all the freakin time!

Thanks guys.

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you want high calorie intake an dhigh protein intake. since your metabolism is fast and you always work out, lots of grains and pasta would benefit you too and put on weight.

try buying a protein with a high calorie amount. for example, i have to gain wieght too and use muscle milk when mixed with milk has 638 calories, good stuff.

eat more egg whites, and lots of protein in your other meals liek chicken and fish. i had your problem too, went on a high calorie protein diet, gained 40 lbs in 1 yr trainign hard my first year of really hitting weights.

btw lifting 6x a week is too much, you need recovery time.

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About needing more recovery: I've always heard that but I can't help but being skeptical. I do upper body one day, and lower body the next day; I don't feel as though I need any more than one day of rest. But with school just starting, I'll probably miss at least one more gym day each week.

I know I should be eating more meats (though I'm pretty opposed to eating red meat) ... I just wish it were cheaper. Thanks for the input!

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you want high calorie intake an dhigh protein intake. since your metabolism is fast and you always work out, lots of grains and pasta would benefit you too and put on weight.

try buying a protein with a high calorie amount. for example, i have to gain wieght too and use muscle milk when mixed with milk has 638 calories, good stuff.

eat more egg whites, and lots of protein in your other meals liek chicken and fish. i had your problem too, went on a high calorie protein diet, gained 40 lbs in 1 yr trainign hard my first year of really hitting weights.

btw lifting 6x a week is too much, you need recovery time.

What flavor do you like yglodd? Does it actually taste good?

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About needing more recovery: I've always heard that but I can't help but being skeptical. I do upper body one day, and lower body the next day; I don't feel as though I need any more than one day of rest. But with school just starting, I'll probably miss at least one more gym day each week.

I know I should be eating more meats (though I'm pretty opposed to eating red meat) ... I just wish it were cheaper. Thanks for the input!

upper 2x a week and lower 2x a week is enough. and lay off heavy cardio

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