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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Novius source

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I joined the forum a couple days ago, lots of great information here. My thanks to whoever is hosting it and to the mods. So now I'm hoping you can help me out. My wife bought me an Innovative Novius for Xmas and I'm really loving it. So much so that I thought I'd get another. But ePuck doesn't have the model like mine. Does anybody else know of a source? I'm looking for a right hand, 260 or 300 flex in the grip. At this point I'd be willing to drop the grip I guess.

Somebody help me get my Novius fix!

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off topic but at the same time on topic...

Anyone still have that INNO BLADE CHART where you can see all pattern in rh and left...innohockey.com is now a redirect site to warrior so i dont know where to get this chart please...

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well if you dont mind what i think is a pretty great deal

theres two novius taper grips on ebay for $80 left handed with a day left

inno novius

Thats cool, but I need right handed versions.

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Flip the shaft so the bottom is facing up. This will flip the boron spine. Don't see why it wouldn't work.

As I understand it, the boron spine is only part way up the shaft, so I'm not sure flipping it would work. Anybody confirm or deny that?

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Flip the shaft so the bottom is facing up. This will flip the boron spine. Don't see why it wouldn't work.

As I understand it, the boron spine is only part way up the shaft, so I'm not sure flipping it would work. Anybody confirm or deny that?

I tried it and found it to be borderline crap......shooting didn't feel right at all and having the tapered part of the shaft in your top hand made it weird to hang on to.

However, I did just happen to pick up some tapered blades and I am once again lovin' my stick :D

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