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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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My graf skates...

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Well ive been wondering for a while why my 705's have that what i think to be teclite or something liner on the forfoot instead of the standard kind. Are they indeed customs?

these were eric brewers skates when he was on the oilers. i bought them at a store that sells nhl used equipment.

also they had oversized tongues which i got the proshop guy to trim because i tuck it under my shin pad and it felt way too bulky

here are some pics. (sorry but i dont know how to resize them...)



now how do i know that they are brewers?


{the inside is red from the under armor socks.}

thanks guys.


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ahhh yeah ive noticed that. on my teammates skates (all but 1 has grafs.) they seem to have the screws in the back. even the G-9 and those higher end skates.

are the 2000's better then what is on the G series?

this is completely new to me and i thank you for answering these questions :)

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The G series has 3000s and they are just a newer version of the 2000 I think. Also easier to replace the steel runner on the holder.

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My 705s on the sides do not look like that at all and mine are not custom skates.

That sentence makes absolutely no sense at all.

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a 2000 cobra is standard on 700 series skates if there big skates like size 13 or 14 then they will have a 2000 because they 3000 is not available in that big of a size. but these skates look like 8s or 9s. sweet looking though.

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